Terms & Conditions

This website is run by TRINKINS Jewellery. When we say "we," "us," and "our," we mean TRINKINS Jewellery. TRINKINS Jewellery provides this website, which includes all the info, tools, and services you can find here. But, there's a catch—you gotta agree to all the terms, conditions, policies, and notices we've got laid out here if you wanna use this site.

By accessing our website or making a purchase, you are entering into an agreement to abide by the following terms and conditions ("Terms of Service," "Terms"). These Terms of Service govern the use of our website by all users, including browsers, vendors, customers, merchants, and content contributors. Additionally, these Terms include any supplementary terms, conditions, and policies referenced here or accessible through hyperlinks.

Yo, take a minute to read through these Terms of Service before you start using our website. By accessing or using any part of the site, you're agreeing to follow these Terms of Service. If you're not down with all the terms and conditions, sorry but you can't use the website or any of the services. These Terms of Service are like our offer, and if you accept, you're limited to these Terms of Service.

Just so you know, any new cool features or tools we add to the store will also be subject to these Terms of Service. You can always check out the latest version of the Terms of Service right here on this page. We might update or change any part of these Terms of Service, and if we do, we'll post the updates and changes on our website. Make sure you keep an eye on this page from time to time for any changes. If you keep using or accessing the website after we make any changes, that means you accept them.

Our store is hosted by Shopify Inc. They're the ones providing the awesome online platform that lets us sell our products and services to you.


Alright, check it out fam! When you agree to these Terms of Service, you're telling us that you're either old enough to make your own decisions (like being the legal age in your state or province), or you're that age and your parents gave you the green light to use this site.

Don't even think about using our products for anything illegal or sneaky. And while you're at it, make sure you don't break any laws in your area when using our Service. Copyright laws? Yeah, you gotta respect those too!

No spreading worms, viruses, or any other nasty stuff. We don't want any destructive code wreaking havoc around here.

Here's the deal: if you break any of these Terms, we're not gonna mess around. We'll straight-up end your access to the Services, no questions asked. So play nice and stay within the boundaries, cool?


Listen up, fam! We wanna make it clear that we can say "nah" to serving anyone, anytime, and for any reason. So don't be surprised if we decide not to give you the goods.

Now, when it comes to your content, it might get transferred around without encryption (except for your credit card deets, those are always locked up tight during transmission). So just keep in mind that it could go through different networks and undergo changes to fit those networks and devices.

We gotta be real with you—copying, selling, or exploiting any part of the Service or the website without our written permission is a major no-no. So, don't even think about trying to pull a fast one on us.

Oh, and those headings you see? They're just for convenience, yo. They won't change or limit these Terms in any way. So, take 'em as they are and don't get it twisted.


Yo, just a heads up, we can't be held responsible if the info on this site isn't totally accurate, complete, or up-to-date. The stuff you see here is for general info purposes only, so don't go relying on it as your one and only source for making decisions. You gotta consult other, more accurate, complete, or timely sources, ya feel?

Sometimes you might come across historical info on this site, but remember, that stuff isn't current. It's just there for reference, homie. We can change up the contents of this site whenever we want, but we're not obligated to update anything. It's on you to keep an eye out for any changes we make, alright? So, stay on top of things and take responsibility for staying in the loop.


Heads up, peeps! Prices for our awesome products can change at any time, and we don't have to give you a heads-up about it. So, keep an eye out for any price shifts when you're ready to snag something rad.

Oh, and listen up! We can tweak or even shut down the Service (or any part of it) whenever we want, without giving you a heads-up. We're not gonna be held responsible if we make any changes, adjust prices, suspend, or straight-up end the Service. So, don't come at us if things change, aight?


Yo, listen up! Some of our dope products and services are only available online through our website. But here's the deal: these babies might have limited quantities, and if you wanna return or exchange 'em, you gotta follow our Return Policy like a boss.

We've put in serious effort to show you the most accurate colors and images of our products on the store. But, check it, we can't guarantee that your computer screen will display the colors exactly right. So keep that in mind, fam.

Now, pay attention! We have the right to limit who we sell our products or services to, depending on the person, location, or jurisdiction. It's all on a case-by-case basis, so don't trip if we put some restrictions in place. We can also limit the quantities of the products or services we offer. Oh, and the descriptions and prices of our products can change without warning, 'cause we're the ones calling the shots. We can even stop selling a product altogether if we want to. And yo, any offers we make on this site are no good where prohibited, so keep that in mind too.

Here's the deal: we can't guarantee that the products, services, info, or other stuff you get from us will meet all your expectations or be flawless. And if there are any errors in the Service, we'll try to fix 'em, but we can't promise perfection. Just keepin' it real with you, my friend.


Listen up, folks! We got the power to say "no thanks" to any order you place with us. And check it, we might also put limits on how much you can buy per person, household, or order. This means we can keep an eye out for orders made under the same customer account, using the same credit card, or with the same billing and/or shipping address. If we make any changes or cancel an order, we'll try our best to hit you up by using the email, billing address, or phone number you provided when you placed the order. Oh, and if we think you're a dealer, reseller, or distributor, we can totally limit or stop your order—just so you know.

Now, here's the deal: you gotta give us the most up-to-date, accurate info when you make a purchase or set up an account on our store. And if anything changes, like your email address or credit card details, make sure you update your account ASAP. We gotta keep everything legit so we can complete your transactions and reach out to you if needed.

For all the deets, make sure you peep our Returns Policy. It's got all the juicy info you need


Yo, check it! Sometimes we might hook you up with third-party tools, but here's the deal: we don't keep an eye on them, control them, or have any say in how they work. Just gotta keep it real with you on that one.

So, listen up! We give you access to those tools "as is" and "as available," with no warranties, representations, or conditions. And hey, we're not endorsing them either, so any issues or liabilities that come from using those optional third-party tools? Yeah, not our problem.

If you decide to use any of those optional tools we offer on the site, it's totally up to you. Just make sure you're familiar with and cool with the terms set by the third-party provider(s). It's all on you, fam, so use 'em at your own risk and with your own judgment.

Oh, and keep this in mind: if we drop some new services or features on the website in the future, they'll also be subject to these same Terms of Service. Gotta keep everything consistent, right?


Yo, listen up! Sometimes we might include stuff from third parties in our content, products, and services. And guess what? We might also have links on this site that take you to third-party websites. But here's the deal, those websites ain't affiliated with us.

Check it, we're not responsible for checking or verifying the content or accuracy of those third-party materials or websites. We don't give any warranties or take any responsibility for 'em either. So, if you mess with those materials, websites, or any other stuff from third parties, it's on you, fam. We're not liable for any harm, damages, or issues that might come from your interactions with those third-party websites.

Make sure you take the time to carefully review the policies and practices of those third parties before you make any transactions or get involved with 'em. If you have any complaints, claims, concerns, or questions about their products, you gotta hit up the third party directly. They're the ones who can help you out.

Stay smart and stay aware when you're dealing with those third-party vibes, alright?


Hey there! Listen up, we might ask you to send us some specific stuff like contest entries. But here's the deal, even if we didn't ask for it, if you send us any creative ideas, suggestions, proposals, or other materials (we call 'em "comments"), we can do whatever we want with 'em. We have the freedom to edit, copy, publish, distribute, translate, or use those comments however we please, in any medium. No restrictions, no strings attached.

Just so you know, we don't have to keep your comments confidential, pay you for 'em, or even respond to 'em. We're not obligated in any way.


Now, check it, we might choose to monitor, edit, or remove content that we think is sketchy. We're talking stuff that's unlawful, offensive, threatening, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or anything else that violates someone's intellectual property rights or these Terms of Service. We got the power to make that call.

When you leave comments, you gotta make sure they don't violate anyone else's rights. That means no messing with copyright, trademark, privacy, personality, or any other personal or proprietary rights. And don't be posting any nasty, illegal, abusive, or obscene stuff. Oh, and keep it clean from computer viruses or malware that could mess with our Service or any related websites.

Don't front with a fake email address or pretend to be someone else when leaving comments. Let's keep it real, alright? You're responsible for what you say, and we're not liable for any comments you or anyone else posts. So, make sure your comments are accurate and legit.

Stay cool and keep it respectful, peeps!


Hey, just a heads up! When you share your personal info with us through the store, we handle it according to our Privacy Policy. If you wanna check out the deets, go ahead and take a look at our Privacy Policy. It's all there for you to know how we handle and protect your personal info. Stay in the know, fam!


Listen up, peeps! Sometimes, there might be some oopsies on our site or in the Service. We're talking about typographical errors, inaccuracies, or stuff that's missing, like product descriptions, pricing, promotions, offers, shipping charges, transit times, and availability. We're only human, you know?

But here's the deal, we have the right to fix those errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. That means we can change or update information, or even cancel orders if something in the Service or on our website isn't right. We'll do our best to let you know, but sometimes it might happen without any prior notice, even after you've placed your order.

Just so you know, we're not obliged to constantly update or clarify the information in the Service or on our website. We might not update the pricing info or make other changes unless the law requires us to do so. So, don't assume that every single piece of info on the site is always up-to-date just because there's no specified update date.

We're here to keep it real with you, so thanks for understanding, fam!


Yo, listen up and pay attention! We got some rules you need to know. When using the site or its content, there are things you absolutely can't do, got it? So here's the deal:

(a) Don't use this site for anything illegal. That's a big no-no. (b) Don't try to get others involved in illegal activities. Don't be that person. (c) Follow the rules and regulations, whether they're international, federal, provincial, state, or local. Don't mess with 'em. (d) Respect our intellectual property rights and the rights of others. No stealing or infringing on copyrights, trademarks, or anything like that. (e) Be cool to everyone. No harassing, abusing, insulting, harming, defaming, slandering, or discriminating based on stuff like gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability. We're all about inclusivity here. (f) Don't give us false or misleading info. Keep it real, fam. (g) Don't try to mess with the functionality or operation of the Service or any related website. No uploading or transmitting viruses or other malicious code. That's just not cool. (h) Respect people's privacy. Don't collect or track their personal info without permission. (i) No spamming, phishing, or doing any shady stuff online. That's not what we're about. (j) Don't use this site for anything obscene or immoral. Let's keep it clean and respectful. (k) Don't mess with the security features of the Service or any related website. Don't try to interfere or bypass them. We take security seriously.

If you break any of these rules, we have the right to kick you out and terminate your use of the Service or any related website. So let's keep it legit and follow the guidelines, okay? Thanks for understanding, fam!


Listen up, folks! We gotta talk about some important stuff regarding our service. Here's the deal:

We can't guarantee that your use of our service will be smooth sailing all the time. There might be interruptions, delays, or security issues. So, don't expect it to be perfect.

The results you get from using the service might not always be accurate or reliable. Just keep that in mind, okay?

Sometimes we might need to take down the service for a while or even cancel it without giving you a heads up. We know it's not ideal, but it happens.

Now, here's the real talk: Your use of the service is entirely up to you, and you're taking your chances. We provide the service and all the products and services available through it "as is." That means we don't make any guarantees or warranties, whether it's about merchantability, quality, fitness for a specific purpose, durability, title, or non-infringement, unless we explicitly say so on the product page.

In no situation will TRINKINS Jewelry, along with our directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, interns, suppliers, service providers, or licensors, be held responsible for any harm or damages you experience. This includes direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special, or consequential damages, like lost profits, revenue, savings, data, or replacement costs. We're talking about all sorts of claims, whether they're based on contract, negligence, strict liability, or anything else, related to your use of the service or any products you get through it. Even if we told you about the possibility of these damages, we can't be held accountable.

But hold up! In some places, they don't let us completely avoid liability for certain damages. So if you live in one of those places, our liability will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law. We hope you understand!

So, fam, take all this info to heart and remember that using the service is your call. We're here to provide it, but there are limits to what we can do. Thanks for being with us!


Hey, listen up! We need to talk about something important. So, here's the deal:

You've gotta promise to have our backs and protect us, TRINKINS Jewelry, along with our parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns, and employees. We're a team, and we gotta stick together.

If any third-party comes at us with a claim or demand, like asking for moolah or throwing legal fees at us, because of your breach of these Terms of Service or any documents they mention, or because you violated any law or someone else's rights, you gotta step up and handle it. You'll have to defend us, indemnify us, and make us whole. Yeah, it might include paying for reasonable attorneys' fees.

We know it sounds serious, but it's just about making sure we're all on the same page and protecting each other. Let's keep things legal, cool, and drama-free!

That's the deal, folks. Let's stick together and keep things running smoothly. Thanks for having our back!


Yo, check it out! We gotta talk about some legal stuff, but don't worry, I'll break it down for you:

If any part of these Terms of Service is found to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, it's all good. We'll still do our best to make it work within the limits of the law. We'll try to enforce it as much as we can, and the part that's not enforceable will be cut out. But hey, that doesn't mean the rest of the terms are affected. The other parts are still valid and totally enforceable.

Basically, we're just making sure that if one part of these terms doesn't hold up legally, it won't mess up the whole deal. We'll keep the rest of the terms intact and keep things running smoothly.

Cool? Cool. Let's keep it legit and make sure everything's on the up and up.


Listen up! We gotta talk about what happens when this agreement ends, but don't stress, I'll make it simple for you:

Anything you and we are responsible for before the agreement ends will still be valid even after it's over. So, any obligations or liabilities we have, or you have, from before the agreement ends will stick around.

These Terms of Service stay in effect until either you or we decide to end them. If you don't want to use our services anymore, just let us know or stop using our site. You're in control!

But here's the deal: if we think you're not following these terms or if you actually don't follow them, we might end this agreement without notice. You'll still be responsible for any money you owe us up until the date of termination. And we might even deny you access to our services if needed.

Just keep it cool, follow the rules, and we'll be good to go!


Listen up, fam! This is important, so pay attention:

Just because we don't enforce a rule or right in these Terms of Service, it doesn't mean we're giving up on it. We can still enforce it later if we want to.

These Terms of Service, along with any other rules or policies we have on this site, are the whole deal between you and us. They control how you use the Service and replace any previous agreements or talks we had, whether they were written or spoken.

If there's any confusion about what these Terms mean, don't trip. It's not about playing the blame game. We wrote them, but that doesn't mean we're trying to trick you. We're all about being fair.

Alright, that's a wrap! Just remember to keep these terms in mind, and we'll keep things smooth between us.


Yo, check it out! When it comes to these Terms of Service and any other agreements we have for providing you with our awesome Services, we're playing by the rules of India. We're talking about the laws that apply in India, no matter where you're from or what laws you follow.

If there's any beef or disputes that need sorting out, we're taking it to the courts in Ranchi, India. That's where things will go down if we can't work it out peacefully.

So, keep it in mind, fam! These terms are all about India, and if anything comes up, we're settling it in Ranchi. Peace out!


Hey there! Just so you know, you can always peep the freshest version of our Terms of Service on this page. We might make some updates, changes, or swaps to these terms every now and then, and when we do, we'll post 'em on our website.

It's on you to stay in the loop, though. Make sure you check our website from time to time to catch any changes. If you keep using our website or the Service after we drop those changes, it means you're cool with 'em and accept 'em.

So, stay tuned and keep yourself updated, fam! Our Terms of Service might switch up, but we'll keep you posted. Peace!


If you've got any questions about the Terms of Service, hit us up at official@trinkins.com. Shoot us an email, and we'll get back to you ASAP. We're here to help and clarify anything you need, so don't hesitate to reach out. Drop us a line at official@trinkins.com, and we'll sort you out. Catch you on the flip side!


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Get a chance to win our exquisite jewelry piece worth ₹999 in just a few simple steps! Follow these rules to enter the giveaway:

  1. Follow Us on Instagram: Make sure you're following our official Instagram account @trinkins.in If you're not already following us, click the "Follow" button to stay updated with our latest collections and promotions.
  2. Tag 3 Friends: Find our pinned giveaway post on our Instagram profile and in the comments section, tag three of your friends who would love to wear this stunning jewelry. Be sure to introduce them to our profile and encourage them to follow us as well!

That's it! You're now entered to win our breathtaking jewelry piece.

Good luck to all participants!

Don't forget to check out our website for more stunning jewelry collections, and stay connected with us on Instagram for the latest updates and exclusive offers. We appreciate your support! ❤️